All forms of writing for any time or weather!

Tuesday 4 June 2013



Wake up.
What time is it?
You’re going to be late.
Keep safe.
If you hurry, you’ll have enough time.

What time is it?
Could you spare some change?
Well, that’s new.
But you don’t have time.

Hello there.
What time is it?
We’re going to be late.
Come and see something new.
We have enough time.

That’s new.
But we don’t have time.
Get out of there!
Its safe.
I promise.

What time is it?

When did this come up?
I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
Don’t go.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Two Sevenlings about the Hill

She faced the hill as Morning Sun appeared
She glanced across the field spread so wide
She slowly walked across the grass so green

As Afternoon Sun peaked above the hill
She moved from walking to gentle jogging
And soon began running up the hill so steep

She reached the top before the Sun had set.

Evening Sun crept up behind her, rising fast.
She looked upon the world beneath the hill.
And gazed above her at the first few stars.

She sees the darkness fall across the land
She feels cold wind blowing through her hair.
She hears the distant howling of the wolves

Before the Moon arose, she descended.

Monday 27 May 2013

Never Venture Out Alone

Hello readers

I will now post the majority of work I came up during my second year of Uni, I am also working on an update to the Tale of Animalia, and...lets just say, it might be an exciting one.

One thing they always told me: don’t go out alone and never go down to the river.
Restricted territory. They called it the eye of danger. They called it the point of no return .
But I still went down there. It was late at night and I was alone. I just needed some alone time without the group jumping down my throat all the time. I was just sick of it. I wish they’d just shut up about me not pulling my weight. Why were they the boss of me? How do they know about my life? If I wanted to go down to the clearing and take a piss, it should be fine.

I relished the open space, the freedom. For once, I had a little breathing space that wouldn’t be disturbed. No yelping or screaming going on in my ears. I wondered someday if they’ll just accept that I’m not a little baby anymore and I can do these things myself. I wished I could prove to them all that I was strong.
My thoughts were distracted by a sound behind me.

I saw it in the distance as it rapidly came towards me. It was just like the legends say, sharp knives all over. A silhouetted shape in the moonlight - It was the Claw.

One thing they always told me: The Claw feels no remorse, no humanity and if you see it, run and hide…if you can.

I had never ran as fast as I did then. It took its time, it always did. Hovering over its target until they got tired and it closed in on them; all cries for help are faded out by the thousand knives digging into their throat.
It was a good thing they always told me that I was lucky and was gifted with my speed

I was running down a long stretch approaching a clearing. Uncharted territory. Ahead of me were some more of the natives. I knew these beasts; our kind largely view them as harmless, but they are larger and much faster than us, they stick to herds and just the sight of surprise would set them on stampede that would crush anything in their way. The sight of the Claw would send them into frenzy.

The Claw shrieked behind me and as I approached the clearing, the natives were set off.

As I drastically dodged the long, deadly legs of the herd. I noticed some natives from the heights above caught up in the flurry. They were just as much at risk from The Claw as I was; maybe I could team up with them?

I ran up next to a long tailed native, I’d always liked them despite how elusive they were and thought of us as quite similar despite my inability to reach the heights. It was as if we were united for that moment…until it ran up into the green heights above, hiding within the bush and leaving me alone.

One thing they always told me: The other natives are not our kind, they possess things we don’t; distance is suggested.

I realised the herd around me had dispersed and I was running down another long stretch. The Claw was still behind me. As I felt myself start to pant, I knew that it’s time to strike would be near.
I spotted something up ahead, it was another clearing, but I knew this one. Our water hole! Somehow, I was  closer to home than I thought.

But another thing they had always told me: Always stay on one side of the river

I remembered the day I first encountered the water, the day that game of tag got out of hand. I had chased Scat into the water, and I kept going until it got too deep. By that time, it was too late for Scat. I still remember his gurgling cries for help, they stick into my head to this day.

One thing they always told me after that: We were not meant to swim, so don’t try it. Leave it to the water natives.

I dived into the bitter, freezing water. I had always observed how those water natives moved their tails deftly from side to side to move. If only my tail was as big as there’s was – The bite of the water went right through me, slowing me down. I was soon gurgling hopelessly as I started to sink.

Everything had gone to plan; I could feel The Claw starting to move in, to dive in on me. The last thing I would feel is the excruciating combination of the bitter cold and the knives digging into my neck.

Unless I could get to that patch of lilies ahead and then make it on to land!  Resisting the bitter waters, I thrashed my paws in the water as much as I could until I came straight into one. On top of the lily was another water native. I always found this one to be strange: it had small, green, huge bulging eyes and seemed to sit on these large pebbles occasionally shooting out his immensely long tongue to catch those irritating buzzing dots.

I had awoken it, its eyes struck open quickly. Too late. The killer struck, diving down, knifed feet drawn.

And without warning, it swept right past me; my sight was blurred as I was plunged into the freezing depths below. When I emerged, I saw the killer gliding above me, holding in its clutch the hapless struggling green native.

It was then I remembered two things they always told me: I had a knack for getting myself out of trouble.
I could feel myself starting to sink so I quickly thrashed through the lily pads until it was shallow enough to just crawl. As I stepped out of the water, I noticed a native staring at me below. The main water natives were wide-eyed, shy, frisky creatures. This one stared at me with that plain look of indifference like it always did.

The full reality of what just happened just hit me. I had outrun the Claw! I suppose I felt some sympathy for the poor native sacrificed but they always told me that the Circle of Life was harsh. It was only these strange mute creatures that would remember this for years to come. I wondered just what it felt in that small head. It obviously couldn’t stay long as it instantly darted away, for no particular reason that I could see.

I wish they could’ve all seen this, they’d never believe me, and they’ll make up some crap about how I’m being ‘arrogant’ & ‘delusional’ again. I hated that they always told me I was so self-absorbed and unaware to danger. I think that showed that I could make it on my own.

Never mind. I know I’d always remember it, and they’ll never take that away.

I set off through the long stretch back to the familiar clearing. What was going through my mind at that time 
was blurry but I seemed to be pondering that one thing that they had always told me that I had forgotten; I guessed it wasn’t that important.

I noticed a rustling in the hedges. I turned round, stopped for a second. Too long. A flash of red, some gnarling teeth, thrusted off the ground, blacking out…That night, I was food to the cubs of our greatest predator…

We even knew it by its first name: Fox.

And before my backbone was cracked by that set of knives, I remembered what that one thing I forgot was. One thing that they always told me, and every rabbit that would ever live: A rabbit is never safe.

Monday 29 October 2012


Hello readers

Temporary hiatus has been taken off by a stab of inspiration of being trapped indoors at New York due to the hurricane Sandy

Feedback welcome, I did this rather quickly.

What was that saying?

I want to scream
Wailing wandering words
No one knows what they mean
Or why

I want to cry
Weeping tears of ancient woe
Pounding one by one
But why?

I want to wander
They all fear my wrath
Hide away, cowering
Wondering why

Why so sad?
Why so angry?
That’s what they said
But they still don’t know why

What do they think of me?
Where do they go?
Why do they fear me?
What do they wonder?

I remember now
What they say

That Hell hath no fury
Like a woman scorned

Friday 14 September 2012


Hello readers

As you may have noticed, this blog hasn't been updated in a while, I feel I need to take time to read books related to my project (namely 1984 by George Orwell)  and develop this further, so as a result, this blog will be on hiatus until further notice.

I return to Uni very soon, this will unfortunately take up my spare time and I will hopefully be doing some more shorter pieces of work that I will hopefully post on here soon, I will of course be working on this project and I will post updates but it needs more time than I currently have.

To all that have read my blog over the summer, thank you very much and I hope to post new pieces soon. :)


Monday 20 August 2012

Uprising (Part 1): The Working Man

Here is the first monologue to this story, there will be a number of these overall with a final conclusion to the first part. There may be some delay in between all, but I will attempt to get them up on time.

The events happening in the first part of this story take place twelve months after the speech was made…

The alarm goes off
‘Good Morning All, this is your leader speaking, it is the start of a brand new day, and with every day comes one day you’ll never see again, so make the most of it, live life to the fullest and have a wonderful-
It breaks with a swing of my hammer. It had to happen eventually. There was only so much more of his shit I could take every morning.
I get out of my bed, the damaged alarm clock lying in pieces on the floor.
I open the curtains.
A grey, clouded day. Like every other day here. Although I felt a period of heavy rain coming on, something this town hasn’t seen in a while.
A raven sitting on the branch outside my house turns and looks at me for a while, before flying away into the distance.
The town looked bleak. The dark buildings stood  like statues. Black trails of steam coming out from the top, adding further darkness to the already grey sky. I hear the faint sound of car horns being beeped. Every day, I see this colourless town, I wonder if this will ever change.
I go and have a shower, bathrooms are the one place in which none of their so called ‘technology revelations’, and even this was 'under review' by the government.

Three years on since his rousing speech, the nation of Great Britain had become anything but great. There was virtually nowhere that weren’t dominated by cameras of all shapes and sizes everywhere. Every house had to have at least five, and if you didn’t have this amount, you would get a visit from Syron’s 'little friends', who would enter and put a camera up without hesitation, whatever the circumstances. Many protestors to this had ended up injured.

I come out of the shower, and go into my room.I look into my wardrobe and see the queue of blue shirts, with black trousers hanging underneath.  I put on one of each and take my black dusty shoes from the wardrobe floor, I then take my jacket from the hanger on my door. Branded or labelled clothes of any sort are no longer allowed as Syron wanted us to ‘sell ourselves as the world’s main brand' so everyone walks around in plain colours .

I head downstairs and put my coat on and remember my keys, which have a tiny sensor inside of it so it can recognise which house someone’s going into, it works to prevent burglary but can also be used to work out who’s going into their house during ‘work hours’ and are promptly paid a visit and ousted.
As I pass the installed camera on the way to the door, the temptation to say what I’m thinking is unbearable.

Locking the door behind me, I reach my car and step inside, I put my keys in the ignition hastily, the car started. All cars had been fitted with the customary camera and all run on an automatic, electric system, Syron had always made being green one of his prime concerns when running for his campaign and his first step was to eliminate all non electric cars, it seemed a good idea to us all at first, as climate change was looking like more of a threat than ever, with the previous winter never exceeding below 9 degrees centigrade and the summer exceeding thirty two degrees, we were currently in the spring which has remained stable around sixteen degrees centigrade.
But what seemed a good idea was thrown by Syron’s incompetence, electric cars were underdeveloped and could not travel long distances before breaking down and were untested and sometimes dangerous. Syron claimed that further developments would be ‘imminent once current plans have been tended to’, these ‘plans’ have been forbidden to all but those very close to Syron’s command. But it resulted in packed motorways and many accidents, where of course blame was shifted to the drivers and never once on the cars.
I was very lucky I lived just thirty minutes away from where I worked, the car could just about handle that amount of driving, but for all else, public transport had to do, and it had become increasingly packed and subjected to severe delays.

It had been just five minutes when I'd got to the end of the residential road when I see a breakdown ahead, and the driver was standing outside of the car. I see them everyday so I'm used to them, but this was different. It was Ahmar Kareem, a friend of mine who had been a noted opposer of the government from the day they started campaigning, he was clear in his views and didn’t hold back with them, and although certain severe punishment awaits anyone who opposes the government in this day and age, he still held his secret views, for he claimed, for all they owned, they could not steal his thoughts. A number of passers by are standing, watching, they seem helpless, as if they were scared to approach him. 
As he turns, I see his face. He looked livid, and all of a sudden, it all came out:
'I’m no puppet, I’m no pawn. Syron, you are SCUM! You outlaw what people say because you can’t see how incompetent a leader you are, a totalitarian government is outdated and always leads to trouble, and I hope all of you SHEEP (he points at all the passers by around him now) realise what you’ve done to this country. This is not Great Britain, this is greedy, grotesque & GHASTLY Britain and it’s your fault Syron. 'I’m sick of electric cars, I’m sick of breaking down and being late for work, I’m sick of cameras watching my every move, I’m sick of YOU, Syron, DAMN YOU! Damn you to HELL!’
His breakdown had attracted a number of passers by, and his rant had further attracted more. The looks reflected shock, but also fear. They knew what was coming.

Two full minutes pass in silence. Even Ahmar starts to look slightly concerned over what he just said.

And sure enough, two police cars roar down the road (these were the only cars that weren’t running on electricity) and out of them step two sargeants, they weren’t particularly massively built, but looked so intimidating that one glance would have you backing off. They approach Ahmar silently like wolves moving in for the kill. I’m not sure what’s going through Ahmar’s mind but his face becomes a sheet of regret and as they approach, slowly turns to desperation. And he lashes out, blindly throwing his fist at the officers and screaming, but all his might was wasted. The sergeant easily grabbed his fist before twisting it behind his back,  and dragging him to the car bonnet to throw him down. As he screams out in agony, they handcuff him, thrust him up and hurdle him into the back seat of the car. Throughout it all, their expressions did not change and though they had picked up many shocked bystanders in their brawl, they calmly stepped into the car, as if they’d just dropped off a parcel at someone’s house.
The car drives away. Silence follows. Then the pedestrians carry on as normal, going day to day

I think to myself: Where is he going? What are they going to do to him? There have been many rumours that have spread about the punishments received, none of them pleasant, some say a simple night in an enclosed jail cell, but some have said much worse, the judicial system has naturally gotten far more firm. – the government have recently announced that they were ‘considering’ instating the electric chair as capital punishment. It has not been officially confirmed, but the vicious rumours have spread with more coming out every day.

I'm sad. Not just for Ahmar, but this country. Every word Ahmar has said is right, this leader has truly led us to despair. And his desires are some that I share. Its time something was done about this, but what and who can stop this menace on our country? How can we express this other than in our private thoughts, which is the only place he can’t access. God, how I'd like to attack him, make him feel the suffering that we had, just to hit him where it hurts. To get all the suffering and pain out of him before I dispose of him. Its my one desire. But I am but one person and these are but wishful thoughts.

And as I drive on, and enter the busy main road and notice another traffic jam ahead which is most likely another breakdown, I look at my watch and realise that I'm going to be late for work. And the wishful thoughts intensify...

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Uprising (Part 1): The Speech of Lord Syron

Hello, so I have started my next official project, this will be slightly longer and will be split into two parts. I will be posting part 1 of this story over the summer period, postings may not be as frequent  as I have a job that starts soon so may not have as much time for writing and need to sort of know more what I'm writing. this will reassure you that I am still working on it. Hope you enjoy it =)

There are various perspectives in the first half of the story, this first one is consisted of dialogue alone.

This is the speech following the election of Thomas Syron as leader of Great Britain. He is the leader of the totalitarian government, Redbreak:

‘Ladies & Gentlemen of Great Britain. today is a landmark day for you, me and future generations. It is not just the day in which that you have picked Redbreak as your leaders of the country. The start of a new age.

‘The recession has plunged us into dark times; we’ve been disorganised, panicking and led by an incompetent force. With Redbreak, the decisions that will be led by myself and my comrades will only be in the interests of you, the public. For you are what spurs me on, you are the catalysts. You are that slight spark which never fades, and with us, it will grow into a huge flame.

‘All the decisions that I will make will be made with you in mind, with no hesitations, debates, growing fears. I will despatch of whatever pathetic laws the previous government had in mind, to get what’s right for you, my children.

‘And we will be a stable government. Your hard earned money will be very much safe with us. I’m sure many of us are pet owners like myself, we all know that a pet is for life and not just for Christmas, and that should be the same for your government.

‘However, for us to become a force to be reckoned with, we must move forward. Because, my comrades, it is with great misfortune that I say, that we are stuck in the past. We are too centred on these old ways that have kept us in neutral for so long. We are a stalled car. But with my help, we can move this car into the highest possible gear and have it speeding along in no time, where all the rest of the World’s cars can just sit and watch as it moves so fast.

‘We believe that we must make changes, and the prime suspect is that of technology. We are in advancing times, we are not in the stone age and we, as a country, should represent that. I am sure everyone here has a mobile phone and some of you may indeed be tweeting or facebooking this speech as you type, and go ahead with that, I’d say. You are the ones embracing the technological age and you should be proud of yourselves, but we must advance this further.

‘Technology must become part of our everyday lives, we must move forward, we can’t just follow trends, but create them, and watch as other countries struggle to keep up.

‘With the creation of new technology, will come more jobs and an easier way of life for us all. An advanced, unique way of living. We will be a fully up to date and efficient country.

‘This is the start of something new, you are the generation that fought for change and succeeded. You will feel honoured to be the starters of what will be an oncoming freight train which will run way beyond where it was supposed to run and your children and your children’s children will continue to keep this train moving.

‘Now, I’m being very vague about what it is exactly I’ll be doing, but the artist must take time to construct the sculpture, the writer must take time to compose the novella, before they want the public to see him, it will all come in due course.

‘We will do all this for you, all that we ask of you is to honour us and follow our rules, for good leading can never not come at a price, and all we ask is your patience, respect and clarity in return for what we promise to be a massive step forward for this country. And we know that you will abide by us and respect us, for what reason would there be not to for a nation as ambitious and dedicated as you are?

‘So my fellow minions….Mark this day in your calendars, for This is a day to celebrate, cherish and remember for years to come.
For This is the day in which endless fighting for change paid off.
This is the day where a new beginning is formed.
This is the day where this small spark became a blazing flame.
This is the day where we stand tall, proud and honoured when we…are called GREAT BRITAIN!!!